I'm Thankful for My Legs

Thursday, April 27, 2023
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My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:19, NIV.

I am thankful for my legs—for the strength in my legs and for my feet. You might think this rather strange, since I have been a quadriplegic for 25 years.

For the first few years after my accident, I was able to do standing transfers, and I wasn't bothered by pressure sores, since I was able to contract my quadriceps. I like looking "normal."

But the following year I took a bad spill, and my left foot became seriously infected. After it turned various shades of blue, green, and purple, I went to the hospital for five weeks.

I thought my doctor had a crazy sense of humor, because he kept saying he was going to have to take my foot. I didn't realize until after I was released (with both feet) that he really thought he would have to amputate. The tumble left me unable to do standing transfers, but I could still use my quads, and I looked normal.

Unfortunately, six years later I had a really bad fall. It fractured my femur, and I had to be put in a full-length leg cast. My doctor was concerned because of the location of the break and began planning for an amputation "just in case." I was not too concerned, since God had already seen me through a neck injury. But after a short time a sore began to develop. I tried hard to go on, but it got worse. Soon I entered the hospital with a full-blown pressure sore, since I had not been able to use my quads.

I was in the hospital and bedridden at home for a total of six months. But my sore and leg healed without surgery.

Jesus has said He will supply all our needs. He has taken care of needs I never knew I had! Now you can see why I'm thankful for my legs and for my feet. He has given me a very special gift—I still look normal.

Sometimes we don't realize how much we have to be thankful for until we meet someone who has less! God is so good. What special gift has He given you? Thank Him for it today.

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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