Taking the Trip of Your Life

Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. Ps. 9:10, NIV.

We were prepared for our 10-mile trek in Utah's canyon country. In just a few minutes our Navajo guide and 10 horses would arrive, and we would begin the trip of a lifetime to Rainbow Bridge.

Let the faint of heart arrive by boat, take a short walk, and view that glorious sandstone arch. We were going to follow the land route—riding horses and camping, doing it the right way. Only after we saw three out of the 10 horses we had requested and met our 81-year-old guide did we begin to worry just a bit. Unfortunately, our trip coincided with the first weekend of hunting season. Somebody else had snapped up all trailworthy horses and our original guide. The ride/walk began.

As we descended from Piaute Mesa to the canyons we marveled at the beauty of the red rock, the narrow and winding canyons, and the feeling of aloneness. It was a great experience. Occasionally we would ask about our progress but would not receive an answer from our guide. Fortunately, one of our members spoke some Navajo. Our guide, it seems, did not speak English. No matter, he was nearly deaf, and besides, he had never been to Rainbow Bridge before. Yes, this was going to be a good trip.

By the time we dragged ourselves home we had walked 50 miles, been rained and snowed upon, had our food stolen by those friendly dogs who began the trip with us, and had eaten a meager ration of sandy scrambled eggs. What a trip!

When I remember our trek, I think of today's children of God. We know our destination--but what lies ahead? What will we do for clothing, shelter, food? We have our Guide, but can we trust Him to get us there? How long will it take? How are we doing?

Jesus tells us to trust Him. We can. He hears us, has been there before, and will care for us.

When you don't know where life is leading you, "trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart" (Ps. 37:3, 4, NIV).

Used by permission of Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.

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